"missing ':' in ->" Caused by Control Character

ID Number: Q67736

1.00 1.10 | 1.00 1.10



When invoking the Programmer's WorkBench (PWB), if there is a control

character at the end of the TOOLS.INI file, [usually a CTRL+Z (ASCII

26) end-of-file marker] and you only have a [pwb] tagged section, an

error message will appear stating "missing ':' in ->". Note that the

"->" is the graphic right-arrow symbol.

More Information:

This is not a problem in the PWB. A control character is a legal macro

name. The message indicates that a macro definition or key assignment

is expected after the character. To keep this message from appearing,

place the tag


before the control character at the end of your TOOLS.INI file. With

this tag at the end of the file, you always suppress the message, even

if you edit TOOLS.INI with an editor that inserts CTRL+Z's at the end

of the file. This is because the -> symbol must be within the [pwb]

tagged section for this error message to be displayed, and the [end]

tag forces the -> into its own tagged section.

Simply deleting the control character will work until you edit the

file with an editor that replaces the CTRL+Z, then this message

reappears. This may also occur when using the COPY command to

concatenate files.