INF: Using the WM_CTLCOLOR Message

ID Number: Q32685

2.03 2.10 3.00



A WM_CTLCOLOR message is sent to a window each time one of its child

window controls (radio button, check box, scroll bar, and so forth) is

to be painted on the screen. This message precedes the painting of the

control. When it is desirable to change the appearance of controls,

this can be done by processing the WM_CTLCOLOR message.

More Information:

When WM_CTLCOLOR is sent, wParam contains a handle to the display

context for the child window (in this case the control). The LOWORD of

lParam identifies the child window by its ID number, and the HIWORD of

lParam contains one of the following values, specifying the type of

control that is to be drawn:

CTLCOLOR_BTN button control

CTLCOLOR_DLG dialog box

CTLCOLOR_EDIT edit control




CTLCOLOR_STATIC static text, frame, or rectangle

When WM_CTLCOLOR is processed, a handle to a brush must be returned.

Failure to return a brush handle will result in a Windows FatalExit on

the debugging monitor in the debug version of Windows.

DefWindowProc already returns a handle in response to this message;

however, an application can return a different handle to customize the

color of controls. The handle that is returned specifies the brush to

be used to paint the control. For example, in Windows 2.x, the

following code paints the background of all buttons light gray:



return (GetStockObject(LTGRAY_BRUSH));

return (GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH));

In this case, the backgrounds for all other controls are painted

white. Note that GetStockObject returns a handle to the stock brush

specified by the parameter. To change the background color of a button

control in Windows 3.0, it is necessary to create an owner draw


Returning a brush handle presents some interesting possibilities

because brush handles are not limited to those returned from

GetStockObject. Pattern brushes can be built from bitmaps. If a

pattern brush handle is returned in response to a WM_CTLCOLOR message,

the brush would be used to paint the background of controls.

The following code changes the painting of a scroll bar's thumb track

area to the basket-weave pattern found in Paint:

/* Add these global variables. The array of WORDs specifies the */

/* pattern for the brush */

HBRUSH hBrush;

HBITMAP hBitmap;

WORD wWeave[]={0x0F, 0x8B, 0xDD, 0xB8, 0x70, 0xE8, 0xDD, 0x8E};


/* Add these lines to WinMain */

hBitmap = CreateBitmap(8, 8, 1, 1, (LPSTR)wWeave);

hBrush = CreatePatternBrush(hBitmap);


/* Add this case to the Windows procedure or wherever the */

/* messages are processed. */



return (hBrush);

return (GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH));

The WM_CTLCOLOR message also applies to the following five classes of


1. Check boxes, radio buttons, and push buttons: Paints the

rectangular area on which control is placed with selected brush;

control shape and text is drawn over the painted pattern.

2. Edit control: Paints the editing area.

3. Group box: Paints the rectangular area behind the title text.

4. Scroll bars: Paints the area around the thumb track.

5. List box: Paints the listing area.

Static text, frames, and rectangles are unaffected by WM_CTLCOLOR.

Note: In Windows 3.0, an application cannot change the color of a

button face. However, the user can use the Control Panel to change the

button colors for all applications in the system. This can also be

accomplished by modifying the [colors] section of the WIN.INI file to

add a "ButtonFace=" line that specifies the RGB color value for the

button face color.

Processing the WM_CTLCOLOR message only changes the color of child

windows created by an application. Windows sends the WM_CTLCOLOR

message to the parent window of each of these controls. Scroll bars

that are included by Windows as a part of edit controls or list boxes

are not affected. The thumb track area of system-generated scroll bars

can only be changed in WIN.INI or through the Control Panel.

It is also possible to paint the entire background of a dialog box.

The following code can be used to provide a dialog box color:

long FAR PASCAL MainWindowProc(....);



hTempBrush = LoadBitmap(hInst, (LPSTR)"MyPatternBrush");

hBrush = CreatePatternBrush(hTempBrush);






BOOL FAR PASCAL MyDialogProc(....);



if (bMonoChrome)

return (FALSE); // Do nothing if on a monochrome monitor

// bMonoChrome is a global set during

// initialization.



SelectObject((HDC)wParam, hBrush);


SetBrushOrg((HDC)wParam, 0, 0);

SetBkMode((HDC)wParam, TRANSPARENT);

SetTextColor((HDC)wParam, RGB(0, 0, 0));



This code will ensure that a patterned bitmap will line up correctly

across the entire dialog box. "MyPatternBrush" is the name of a bitmap

created using SDKPaint. This bitmap must be included in the RC file.

Additional reference words: MICS3 R5.1 2.10 3.00