INF: C Cannot Bind Programs with Increased File Handles

ID Number: Q43271

5.10 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax 7.00 | 5.10 6.00 6.00a



Microsoft C defaults to making 20 file handles available to an

application. This is the case for both OS/2 and MS-DOS. This number

can be increased by modifying the startup source code provided with

Optimizing C version 5.1 and linking in the resulting OBJs. This is

documented in the README.DOC for version 5.1 (search for _NFILE_).

This is also documented in the README.DOC file that shipped with

Microsoft C version 6.0.

However, it is not possible to bind a program that is linked to these

modified .OBJs. This is because the protected mode startup makes a

call to DOSSETMAXFH after being modified. This function is not FAPI

(dual mode) and is not bindable.

In Microsoft C/C++ version 7.0, OS/2 targets are not supported so

binding is not possible.

To give a program more than 20 file handles under both OS/2 and

MS-DOS, you must create separate .EXEs for each environment.

More Information:

An attempt to bind a program that is linked with modified startup will

produce the following error:

LINK : error L2029: Unresolved externals:

DOSSETMAXFH in file(s):


The startup files that must be modified to increase the number of

available file handles are CRT0DAT.ASM and _FILE.C.

Additional reference words: 6.00 6.0a 6.00a 6.0ax 6.00ax 7.00