INF: SQL Server Sizing Considerations

ID Number: Q81864

1.10 1.11 4.20



This article applies to SQL Server versions 1.x and 4.2.

Several technological factors have made it possible to place large

databases on Microsoft SQL Server. As these trends continue, a

question often arises concerning the maximum database size Microsoft

SQL Server can support. This article addresses some of the factors

that govern this question.

More Information:

The most important point to remember is: There is no single number

that defines a SQL Server database maximum size limit that, if not

exceeded, will ensure a successful information system. There are

physical limits to the maximum database size SQL Server can support,

but these limits are so large that other practical factors come into

play long before these constraints.

SQL Server versions earlier than 4.2 support up to 10 physical

devices. Assuming the maximum available size of current-technology

5.25-inch hard disk drives, this equates to about 16 GB (10 x 1.6 GB).

Formatted capacity may be slightly less.

Feasibility questions concerning SQL Server database capacity should

include a number of areas besides these physical limits. The following

areas should be given special consideration:

- Backup: The highest-performance backup medium in common use is 8 mm

helical tape. These drives typically hold about 2 GB per tape, and

have a backup rate of about 130K per second. Backup of a 5 GB

database requires 11 hours and two tape changes. The database must

be shut down for this period unless the online backup facility is

used. If online backup is used, an additional 5 GB of intermediate

disk or network file storage will be required. SQL Server 4.2 can

perform online backup directly to tape, eliminating the

intermediate storage requirement.

- Transactional throughput: An estimate should be made of the

maximum transactional throughput rate required to support the

prospective applications. Without this, database size requirements

can be satisfied, but not response time requirements. SQL Server has

been benchmarked at roughly 10 TP1 transactions per second on a

386/33 machine. Higher performance hardware will be proportionately


- Sorting rate: The number and type of queries involving sorting

should be evaluated. Some applications require frequent sorting of

large tables. It is possible to satisfy database size and

transactional requirements, and still be unable to provide the I/O

bandwidth necessary for sort-intensive applications. Test runs

involving typical queries should be made to empirically determine

expected performance. As a rough rule of thumb, SQL Server has been

observed to sort about 700 rows per second on a 486/33 machine,

with a table consisting of 1 int, 2 char(15), and 1 image(16)


- Scanning rate: The number and type of queries involving non-indexed

accesses should be evaluated. As table size increases, the variance

between indexed versus non-indexed access will increase. For

example, on a 10,000 row table, this could be .5 second versus 4

seconds. For a 2,000,000 row table, this will be about 1 second

versus 12 minutes.

- Recovery: The maximum acceptable down time that you specify should

be evaluated. When a fatal hardware disk error forces recovery from

backup, the down time necessary to restore a large database should

be considered. Restoration of a 5 GB database could take about 15


Microsoft SQL Server is capable of handling large databases that once

required a mainframe. However, reliance on database size alone as an

indicator of SQL Server's ability to support a large database is not

wise. A number of factors should be carefully and thoughtfully
