PRSQL9201007: bcp_colfmt() Incorrectly Uses file_collen Param

ID Number: Q80627

1.10 1.11


buglist1.10 buglist1.11 fixlist1.19


Problem ID: PRSQL9201007


If the "file_collen" parameter of the bulk copy function

bcp_colfmt() is set to a value that is less than the actual data

in the table's column, the output file does not contain the

expected truncated data. This problem occurs when no field

terminator sequence or prefix length is specified. For example,

when using a table that is defined as follows

create table test(c1 char(5), c2 varchar(5), c3 char(5))

insert test values ("abcd","abcd","abcd")

the following code fragment

bcp_colfmt(dbproc, column_number, SQLCHAR, 0, 1, NULL, -1, 1)

gives an output file containing the following:

abcd.abcdabcd. (where . represents a blank space)

However, the expected output is:



This problem occurs because the file_collen parameter for

bcp_colfmt is not correctly interpreted. If file_collen is some

positive value, the system should use file_collen to determine the

maximum data length. This should occur in either case when the

field terminator (or prefix length) is specified and file_collen

specifies a value resulting in the shorter amount of data being

copied, or when no field terminator (or prefix length) is



Use BCP (the bulk copy program) and specify the desired size of



Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in SQL Server versions

1.1 and 1.11. This problem was corrected in version 1.19 of

DB-LIBRARY (db-lib), which is available from Microsoft Product

Support Services. For more information, contact your primary

support provider.

Additional reference words: 1.10 1.11 dblib