PRB: Unable to Access SQL Server from an OS/2 Client

ID Number: Q80631

1.10 1.11 4.20




In trying to access SQL Server from an OS/2 client using SAF or

ISQL, the following message appears:

DB-LIBRARY network communications layer not loaded

Although the correct netlib files seem to be used, the above

message persists.


The workstation may have been used to access a non-OS/2 SQL Server.

If this is the case, there will be an entry in the OS2.INI file in

the section for SQL Server indicating the name of the netlib layer

to be loaded. This prevents the netlib layer (DBNMPP.DLL, in the

case of OS/2) from being loaded and results in the above message.


The following are three workarounds to prevent this problem from


- Remove this entry from the OS2.INI file with an appropriate

editor and reboot the machine.


- Reinstall OS/2 (thus creating a new OS2.INI). Note: During

reinstallation, do not answer "Yes" to the question about

maintaining group information because this will preserve the

existing OS2.INI file.


- In some cases (with similarly configured clients), it may be

possible to copy over OS2.INI from a functioning OS/2 client.

This requires rebooting both machines from MS-DOS or OS/2

bootable floppy disks. As a precaution, rename the old OS2.INI

file in case it is needed again. This file is usually located in

the \OS2 directory.

Additional reference words: 1.10 1.11 4.20