How to Increase the Size of the PWB Build Status Box Under DOS

ID Number: Q69475

1.00 1.10



In the DOS version of the Microsoft Programmer's WorkBench (PWB)

versions 1.00 and 1.10, the status box displayed in the center of the

screen during a compile can be made larger by increasing the length of

the command being executed.

More Information:

When Build or Rebuild All is selected from the Make menu in PWB, a

build status box appears on the screen showing the command currently

being executed. Unfortunately, this box is often too small and the

current command being displayed gets truncated. One way to increase

the size of this box is to increase the length of the NMAKE command


To increase the length of the NMAKE command line, add the following

text (without the quotation marks) to the NMAKE Options dialog box,

which can be selected from the Options menu:


Be sure to include the spaces when you type this line. Then, when you

select Build or Rebuild All from the Make menu, the build status box

will be almost as wide as the screen, allowing most of the subsequent

commands to fit completely into the box.

If you use the PWB "compile" command, or choose the Compile File

option from the Make menu, the build status box behaves similarly --

the longer the command to be executed command, the larger the box will
