INF: Drawing Outside a Window's Client Area

ID Number: Q33096

1.x 2.03 2.10 3.00 3.10



When an application uses the BeginPaint or GetDC function to obtain a

device context (DC) its client window and draws into this DC, Windows

clips the output to the edge of the client window. While this is

usually the desired effect, there are circumstances where an

application draws outside the client area of its window.

The GetWindowDC function provides a DC that allows an application to

draw anywhere within its window, including the nonclient area.

In the Windows environment, the display is a scarce resource that is

shared by all applications running in the system. Most of the time, an

application should restrict its output to the area of the screen it

has been assigned by the user. However, an application can use the

CreateDC function to obtain a DC for the entire display, as follows:


Device contexts are another scarce resource in the Windows

environment. When an application creates a DC in response to a

WM_PAINT message, it must call the DeleteDC function to free the DC

before it completes processing of the message.

Painting in the nonclient area of a window is not recommended. If an

application changes the nonclient area of its window, the user can

become confused because the familiar Windows controls change

appearance or are not available. An application should not corrupt

other windows on the display.

Additional reference words: 1.x 2.03 2.10 3.00 3.10 SR# G880706-1646
