INF: Using Batch Sizes with the BCP Utility

ID Number: Q81339

1.10 1.11 4.20



The bulk copy program (BCP) accepts "/b <batch size>" (without

quotation marks) as one of its parameters. This "/b <batch size>"

parameter allows the user to specify the number of rows per batch for

the data that will be loaded into a SQL Server table. The use of the

/b parameter has a large impact on how the data insertions are logged.

More Information:

When the /b parameter is not used with the BCP utility, all rows from

a data file are copied into SQL Server in one batch, and BCP displays

the message "1000 rows sent to SQL Server" after every 1000 rows have

been copied.

When the non-logged (or "fast") version of BCP is used, the data

insertions are not logged in the transaction log. However, SQL Server

still logs page allocations each time a new data page is allocated, as

well as extent allocations each time a new extent is allocated to the

table. (An extent is a block of eight 2K data pages.)

If the /b parameter is not used, SQL Server treats the entire BCP

operation as a single transaction. Thus, if for any reason the BCP is

aborted before it finishes, the entire transaction is rolled back, and

the destination table will not contain any new rows from the BCP


If the /b parameter is used, each batch of rows is logged as a

separate transaction. For example, if a data file has 1000 rows, and a

batch size of 100 is used, SQL Server will log the operation as 10

separate transactions. If the BCP operation were to abort while

copying in row 750, only the previous 49 rows would be removed, and

the destination table would still contain the first 700 rows.

When copying large data files into SQL Server with BCP, it is possible

for the transaction log to fill up from the page and extent allocation

logging before the BCP is complete. In this situation, you can either

enlarge the transaction log or do the BCP by using the /b option (with

the "trunc. log on chkpt." database option enabled). Setting this

option "on" will instruct SQL Server to truncate the log each time it

performs a CHECKPOINT, so the log records for those batches that have

been committed will be removed from the log. Because only committed

transactions can be truncated from the log, this option will not free

up space in the log if the /b option is not used (because the entire

operation is logged as a single transaction).

Note: When using the non-logged version of BCP to import data into a

SQL Server database, it is important to back up the database (using

the DUMP DATABASE command) when the BCP is complete.