Compiling a Pseudofile in OS/2 PWB Causes Protection Violation

ID Number: Q71978





If an attempt is made to compile a pseudofile in the Programmer's

WorkBench (PWB) version 1.10 when running under OS/2, a protection

violation will occur and PWB will unexpectedly return to the OS/2


More Information:

A pseudofile is a PWB file that exists only in memory; it does not

correspond to any disk file. PWB pseudofiles include <CLIPBOARD>,



To attempt to compile a pseudofile in PWB, you must first have a

pseudofile in the current active window. Then you must invoke the "Arg

Compile" function, which directs PWB to compile the file in the

current window. (By default, the keystrokes for "Arg Compile" are

ALT+A CTRL+F3). At this point, PWB will generate an OS/2 protection


For more information on pseudofiles, see the online help for PWB.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Programmer's

WorkBench version 1.10. We are researching this problem and will post

new information here as it becomes available.