Docs/Help for PWB Extension Functions Have Errors/Omissions

ID Number: Q72067

1.00 1.10 | 1.00 1.10




Pages 180, 181, and 182 of the C version 6.00 and 6.00a "Advanced

Programming Techniques" manual (APT) contain a table of Programmer's

WorkBench (PWB) functions that can be called from a PWB extension.

This list contains several errors, documenting functions that are not

implemented and omitting documentation for some functions that are


The online help that comes with C versions 6.00 and 6.00a also

documents some functions incorrectly.

More Information:

The following functions are listed in "Advanced Programming

Techniques" but are not documented in the online help, not prototyped

in EXT.H, and are not implemented in EXPSUP.LIB:

fGetMake() Get extmake setting

fSetMake() Set extmake setting

KbHook() Restore keyboard control to PWB

KbUnHook() Remove keyboard control from PWB

The following function is listed in "Advanced Programming Techniques,"

is documented in the online help and prototyped in EXT.H, but is not

implemented in EXPSUP.LIB:

GetListEntry() Get Item from List

The following function is listed in "Advanced Programming Techniques,"

is documented in the online help and implemented in EXPSUP.LIB, but is

not prototyped in EXT.H:

REsearch() Searches for regular expression

To call REsearch(), use the following prototype:

int REsearch( PFILE pFile, flagType fForward, flagType fAll,

flagType fCase, flagType fWrap, char _far *pattern,

fl *pflStart );

The following functions are not listed in "Advanced Programming

Techniques" but are documented in the online help, are prototyped in

EXT.H, and are implemented in EXPSUP.LIB:

AddAColor() Adds colors to the PWB internal color table

AddMenu() Adds a menu to the menu bar

AddMenuItem() Adds a menu item to a menu

ChangeMenu() Modifies a menu item

Clearlist() Clears list

farstrncpy() Same as _fstrncpy()

farstrcpy() Same as _fstrcpy()

farstrcat() Same as _fstrcat()

fatstrstr() Same as _fstrstr()

farstrlen() Same as _fstrlen()

farstrnicmp() Same as _fstrincmp()

farstrncmp() Same as _fstrncmp()

farstrcmp() Same as _fstrcmp()

farstradd() Concatenates one string onto another

farstrstrip() Strips extra characters out of a string

atou() Convert string into decimal number

ForFile() Allows wild-card operations on files

GetListHandle() Gets a handle for a list

pFileToBottom() Moves a file to the bottom of the list

SelectFiles() Brings up a file-selection dialog box

SetHilite() Specifies a range of text to be highlighted

For more information on using these functions in PWB extensions, see

Section 8.4 in "Advanced Programming Techniques," the online help for

PWB extensions, or the "Microsoft C Developer's Toolkit Reference."