PWB Generates "Error Reading Program" with CTRL+Z in Makefile

ID Number: Q72731

1.00 1.10 | 1.00 1.10


buglist1.00 buglist1.10


When attempting to set a Program List using a makefile generated by

the Programmer's WorkBench (PWB) version 1.0 or 1.1, the following

message may be generated if the makefile has been edited by an editor

(other than PWB) that places a CTRL+Z at the end of the file:

Error reading program list line xxx

':' or '=' expected

If you select the "OK" button in response to this dialog box, another

dialog box will appear, asking if you want to use the makefile as a

non-PWB makefile.

More Information:

Some editors other than PWB or the Microsoft Editor (for example, the

OS/2 System Editor) will automatically append a CTRL+Z (end-of-file)

character to every file that is modified. PWB reads this CTRL+Z as a

standard character and expects either a colon (indicating a build

rule) or an equal sign (indicating a macro) to follow it. Finding

neither, PWB will return the error above.

If you want to make modifications to PWB-generated makefiles, while

still allowing PWB to use them as native makefiles, you should add a

"fence" to the end of the makefile. The fence is a separator line of

the following form:

# << User_supplied_information >>

The comment marker (#) must begin in the first column, and the line

must appear exactly as shown above. Any information placed below this

line is ignored by PWB, but may still be executed by NMAKE. This

method eliminates the possibility of the CTRL+Z problem described

above, as well as ensuring that you retain full functionality of all

PWB menu commands, since PWB never tries to interpret or modify

anything below the fence.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in PWB versions 1.0 and

1.1. We are researching this problem and will post new information

here as it becomes available.