Placing .OBJ File in Program List May Give Unexpected Results

ID Number: Q72792

1.00 1.10 | 1.00 1.10



When creating a program list for a project in the Programmer's

WorkBench (PWB) version 1.0 or 1.1, including an .OBJ file as one of

the modules in the list may give different results than expected. Due

to the way NMAKE actually builds a project, if there are any default

inference rules that can be used to build the .OBJ, NMAKE will execute

the default commands.

For instance, assume you have a project that requires an .OBJ called

FILE1.OBJ. If, in the same directory, there is a newer source file

with the same base name (FILE1) and the file extension is one of those

included in the .SUFFIXES list (for example, FILE1.ASM, FILE1.BAS,

FILE1.C, FILE1.CBL, FILE1.FOR, or FILE1.PAS), NMAKE will try to invoke

the appropriate compiler or assembler to rebuild FILE1.OBJ.

To work around this situation, copy the .OBJ file in question to some

directory where the default inference rules will not be invoked, such

as the directory where you have your libraries. If this is

unacceptable, you can choose NMAKE Options from the Options menu and

specify the /R switch to NMAKE. This will turn off all default

inference rules for the project.