Arg+Linsert May Corrupt Lines Longer Than 128 Characters

ID Number: Q72851

1.00 1.10 | 1.00 1.10


buglist1.00 buglist1.10


In the Microsoft Programmer's WorkBench (PWB) versions 1.0 and 1.1, a

line that is greater than 128 characters may be corrupted if the "Arg

Linsert" function is executed on that line.

More Information:

The Arg+Linsert form of the Linsert function is designed to move the

current line so that the first nonblank character is in the column

where the cursor resides; however, instead of moving over as expected,

lines longer than 128 characters may loose some characters in the


This behavior may be demonstrated by following these steps:

1. Enter a line of text beginning in column 1 that goes past column


2. Press the END key to go to the end of the line and note the column

number of the cursor.

3. Move the cursor to column 10 and press ALT+A (Arg) followed by

CTRL+N (Linsert).

4. Press END again and observe the column number of the cursor.

The whole line will move over so that the line now begins in column

10. Therefore, the column for the end of the line should be 10 greater

than the original position; however, the end of the line is in the

same position it was in before the move. If you check the line

carefully, you will find that 10 characters are missing from somewhere

in the middle.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the PWB versions 1.0

and 1.1. We are researching this problem and will post new information

here as it becomes available.