INF: Getting an Application Ready for Retail Release

ID Number: Q45692

2.03 2.10 3.00



Included below is a list of steps to take when moving an application

from DEBUGGING mode to RETAIL release.

More Information:

Code File Changes


1. Change the MAKE file compile line from something such as the


cl -W2 -Od -FPa -Zpei myapp.c

to the following:

cl -W2 -Os -Fpe -Zpe myapp.c

The -Zi switch will not put in line information for CodeView for

Windows (CVW), and the -FPe switch will use the floating-point

coprocessor if it is present. The -FPa switch can be used during

debugging to prevent Fatal Exit errors (409) from occurring. For

more information, refer to other articles in the knowledge base on

this topic.

2. Remove the /co switch from the LINK4 line.

3. Remove any debugging code, and/or flip any debugging switches

present in the application to off.

4. When moving from the -FPa switch to the -FPe switch floating-point

options, the WIN87EM.EXE file must be supplied with the application

and linked to WIN87EM.LIB.

The User Interface


1. Check all windows and dialog boxes to make sure they fit on all

display screens. The CGA driver is the lowest resolution screen

supported by Windows.

2. Because the CGA will support only two colors, make sure that the

colors that are used do not get mapped to black on black, or white

on white.

3. Verify that the application will work without the mouse, making

sure that the keyboard interface is all set up, especially in

dialog boxes.

4. Check all fonts used for spacing.

In the README.WRI file that comes on the Windows Development Utilities

disk, Section 6, "Performing a Slow Boot," explains how to easily

change the windows configuration to test with different devices.



The SNAP.EXE program supplied with the Windows Software Development

Kit (SDK) version 2.x can be used to take screen shots of the

application for the manual. Once a "snapshot" is taken of a window, it

is placed on the clipboard. Then the "snapshot" can be pasted into the

Write application and printed from there.

In Windows version 3.0, the internal screen capture command can be

used to take screen shots of the application. Press PRINT SCREEN or

SHIFT+PRINT SCREEN on older systems, and Windows will copy the screen

as a bitmap into the clipboard. The bitmap can then be pasted into the

Write application and printed from there.