Corrupt RES File May Crash Dialog Editor

ID Number: Q70072




A corrupt RES file may cause the Dialog Editor distributed with the

Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) version 3.00 to crash. If the

Dialog Editor crashes consistently processing a particular file,

delete the RES file created by the Dialog Editor and use the resource

compiler to recompile the DLG dialog script file.

More Information:

To compile the DLG dialog script file, you must include WINDOWS.H at

the top of the script. You must make the following line the first line

in your DLG file:

#include <windows.h>

To compile the dialog script file using the resource compiler, use the

following command line:

rc mydlg.dlg

where "mydlg" is replaced with the name of the dialog script file.

This will produce a RES file that can be used by the Dialog Editor and

should help alleviate the crashing problems.

For more information on the Dialog Editor, query on the following


Dialog and Editor