ID Number: Q82248
buglist1.11 fixlist4.20
Problem ID: PRSQL9203002
When all of the following are true
- A transaction log fills up to the point where a checkpoint record
cannot be written to the log
- An attempt to DUMP the database fails due to the log filling up
- The database's log is truncated
- A second attempt is made to DUMP the database
SQL Server will return a 3201 error:
Can't open dump device '%.*s', device error or device off line.
Please consult the SQL Server error log for more details.
The error log will show the following message:
dbsopen: network 2 already active
SQL Server does not release the file handle to the dump device
after the dump fails because of the transaction log filling up.
The server must be shut down and then restarted. Attempts to dump
to ANY disk device will fail with the 3201 error being returned.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in SQL Server version
1.11. This problem has been corrected in version 4.2.
Additional reference words: 4.20