PRSQL9202021: Cause of 602 and 813 Errors with Stored Procs

ID Number: Q82945

1.10 1.11


buglist1.10 buglist1.11 fixlist4.20


Problem ID: PRSQL9202021


Running a COMMIT TRANsaction statement results in the following


Could not find row in Sysindexes for dbid '2', object xxx, index yy.

Run DBCC CHECKTABLE on Sysindexes.

(Msg 602, Level 21, State 3)

The SQL Server is terminating this process.

Attempting to log back into SQL Server again and issue any query

yields the following error:

Logical page xxx in database 2 is already hashed.

(Msg 813, Level 20, State 1)

The SQL Server is terminating this process.

After this, subsequent attempts to log into SQL Server and issue

queries are successful.


SQL Server incorrectly handles the processing of stored procedures

that create and use temporary tables inside user-defined

transactions that do not have corresponding COMMIT TRAN or ROLLBACK

TRAN statements for the BEGIN TRAN statement.

The following sequence of steps will yield the above errors:

create procedure myproc


create table #temp (col1 int)

begin tran

insert #temp values (1)


exec myproc


This will produce error 266, indicating that a transaction was

begun in the procedure, but did not have a corresponding COMMIT or


Next, carry out a "COMMIT TRAN" to commit the open transaction. SQL

Server will return error 602, and the client session will be

terminated. Attempting to log back into SQL Server and issue any

query will result in error 813, and again the client session will

be terminated. After this, subsequent login attempts are



To work around this problem, ensure that all BEGIN TRANsaction

statements always have corresponding COMMIT TRANs or ROLLBACK



Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in SQL Server versions

1.1 and 1.11. This problem does not occur in SQL Server version


Additional reference words: 1.10 4.20