How to Use Different Filename Extensions with PWB Program List

ID Number: Q74817

1.00 1.10 | 1.00 1.10



Files that do not have default name extensions for a given language

(such as an extension different than the default .BAS for Basic or

.C for the C compiler) cannot be added to a program list

and cannot be compiled or linked from within the Programmer's

WorkBench (PWB) environment without adding some information to the

TOOLS.INI file. None of the options from PWB's Make menu option will

be available except for Set Program List; therefore, you cannot make

an executable file. If you select the Set Program List option, you

will not be allowed to add the file to the program list. You will

receive the following error:

program list: file <filename> will be ignored

file type unused by current build options

This information applies to Programmer's Work Bench versions 1.0 and

1.1 for MS-DOS and MS OS/2.

More Information:

To allow for the successful addition of the program to a program list

or the successful compilation and linking of the file alone, you must

add some lines to the build section of your TOOLS.INI file. For

example, if you want to add Basic source files with the ".X"

extension, you must do the following:

1. From PWB's Options menu, choose the Editor Settings option.

2. Scroll to the Build section and find the following line:

build: inference .bas.obj bc_bas_obj

3. Add a new line, as follows:

build: inference .x.obj bc_bas_obj

4. From the File menu, choose Save.

5. Press the F2 key to return to your program.

At this point, go to the Make menu option and note that all the

options are available; you can choose the Rebuild All option to create

an executable, or you can add the program to a program list and have

it compile successfully.

Additional reference words: 1.00 1.10