Using Presentation Graphics/Fonts with C 5.00 and C 5.10

ID Number: Q44076

5.00 5.10



It is possible to use the QuickC Version 2.00 presentation graphics

and fonts library functions with C 5.00 or C 5.10. However, you must

be certain that all of the header files and libraries are from the

QuickC 2.00 package. If you attempt to compile a presentation graphics

program with C 5.10 and keep getting "unresolved external" messages

after carefully linking in GRAPHICS.LIB and PGCHART.LIB, reinstall the

default library and GRAPHICS.LIB from the QuickC 2.00 distribution

disks. Mixing the C 5.10 and QuickC 2.00 libraries results in this


Please note that the QuickC 2.00 libraries do not support alternate

math. The QuickC 2.00 and the C 5.10 libraries cannot be mixed.

Therefore, there is no support for the alternate math package under C

5.10 when using presentation graphics or font library functions.

The unresolved externals that you get when mixing libraries are not

functions; they are the names of support routines and new variables

that do not exist in the default library or GRAPHICS.LIB from the C

5.10 package.