INF: Installing C to Compile Both MS-DOS and OS/2 Programs

ID Number: Q45145

5.10 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax | 5.10 6.00 6.00a



If you want to install your C compiler so that you can create both

MS-DOS and OS/2 applications, you have three options. The option you

choose affects the compiler options you must set when you compile for

the two operating systems.

The three options are as follows:

1. Rename none of the libraries.

2. Rename the protected-mode libraries to the default names.

3. Rename the real-mode libraries to the default names. This

renaming can also be done while setting up the product.

More Information:

To install for both OS/2 and MS-DOS, select both operating systems

when using Setup to install the product. If you've already installed

the product for only one operating system, the easiest method is to

reinstall again from the beginning.

Once the dual installation is done, you have the following two sets of

libraries (unless you tell Setup to rename libraries for you):

- Those whose names are of the form xLIBCyR.LIB for "R"eal mode (where

x is S, M, C, or L for the memory model and y is E, 7, or A for the

math option -- see the version 5.1 "Microsoft C Optimizing Compiler

for the MS-DOS Operating System User's Guide" for more


- Those whose names are of the form xLIBCyP.LIB for "P"rotected mode.

If you install medium model emulator math only, and don't tell Setup

to rename libraries, the libraries will be named "MLIBCEP.LIB" and

"MLIBCER.LIB". There will be no library with the default name, which


You can leave the libraries named in this way; however, if you do, you

must always compile with one of the /Lr (link real mode), /Lc (link

compatibility mode -- a synonym for real mode), or /Lp (link protected

mode) compiler options.

None of the /Lp, /Lc, and /Lp options affects the compilation process;

they only affect what libraries the linker is asked to link in.

Whether the final executable program is a real-mode executable or a

protected-mode executable is determined solely by the library with

which you link.

The /Lp option tells the linker to ignore the default library and to

use xLIBCyP.LIB instead (x and y depend on the memory model and math

option selected by the /Ax and /FP switches). The /Lr and /Lc options

tell the linker to use xLIBCyR.LIB rather than the default. xLIBCy is

the library generated if none of these options is used. This is shown

in the following table:

Compiler Flags Library Used

-------------- ------------





If you do most of your programming for one specific operating system,

you can rename the appropriate libraries (xLIBCyR or xLIBCyP) to

xLIBCy and avoid having to use /Lp or /Lr. You still must use /Lp or

/Lr when compiling for the other mode. For instance, if you rename the

xLIBCyP libraries to xLIBCy, then when you compile without a /Lc or

/Lr option, your executable will be a protected-mode executable. To

generate an MS-DOS executable, you must use /Lr or /Lc. Instead, if

you rename the xLIBCyR libraries to xLIBCy, the default mode will be

MS-DOS -- you must use /Lp to produce an OS/2 program.

Additional reference words: 5.00 5.10 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax