CVP 2.3 Will Not Debug DLLs That Do Not Have .DLL Extension

ID Number: Q47938

2.30 | 2.30


buglist2.30 buglist2.35 fixlist3.00


Protected-mode CodeView (CVP) versions 2.3 and 2.35 have the ability

to debug DLLs that are called with DosLoadModule(). DosLoadModule()

can load DLLs that do not have the .DLL extension. However, CVP 2.3

and 2.35 cannot debug DLLs that do not have the .DLL extension. If you

want to debug DLLs that are called with DosLoadModule, they must have

the .DLL extension.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in CodeView versions 2.3

and 2.35. This problem was corrected in CodeView version 3.0.

Additional reference words: 2.30 3.00