INF: Unresolved Externals w/ OS/2 Functions and INCL_NOCOMMON

ID Number: Q45946

5.10 6.00 6.00a



In Microsoft C versions 5.1, 6.0, and 6.0a for OS/2, if you are using

OS/2 functions and getting "unresolved external" messages at link time

even though OS2.H is included, check for a definition of the manifest

constant INCL_NOCOMMON. The definition of this constant excludes any

function group that is not explicitly included by the definition of

another manifest constant.

For example, to include the OS/2 system functions (DOS) and exclude

all others, the following two statements must exist in the source



#define INCL_DOS

Look closely at the "unresolved external" message. If the compiler has

prepended an underscore to the function name, then the prototype is

not being included. All OS/2 functions are defined with a Pascal

calling sequence. Therefore, there should never be an underscore

prepended to the function name.

As a quick test, remove the INCL_NOCOMMON statement from the code and

recompile. If the program compiles and links without the INCL_NOCOMMON

statement, then you have only to determine which manifest constant

correctly includes the function group that includes the function in


As an alternative, compiling at warning level three generates a "no

prototype given" warning for the function if the function prototype is

being excluded by the INCL_NOCOMMON statement. If this is the case,

determine which manifest constant will include the function prototype,

and define it along with the INCL_NOCOMMON statement.

A comprehensive listing of these manifest constants can be found in

the "Microsoft Operating System/2 Programmer's Reference Volume 1,"

pages 41-44.

Additional reference words: 5.10 6.00 6.00a