CVP 2.3 Hangs When /O Is Specified But Child Is Not Debugged

ID Number: Q49381

2.30 2.35


buglist2.30 buglist2.35 fixlist3.00


Beginning with protected-mode CodeView (CVP) version 2.3, you can

debug child processes from within a parent process's CodeView session

by invoking CodeView with the /O switch. When the program is executed

to the point where the child process is invoked, CodeView displays a

prompt showing you the child's process ID (PID) and asks, "Do you wish

to debug (y/n)?". Entering "y" brings up the child process and allows

you to debug it. Pressing "n" should cause the child to run without

any debugging.

Unfortunately, there is a problem in CVP 2.3 and 2.35 that causes

CodeView to hang if you answer no to debugging the child. The only

workaround is to always answer yes when prompted to debug a child

process, or to invoke CodeView without the /O switch because this

prevents the prompt entirely.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in CodeView versions 2.3

and 2.35. This problem problem was corrected in CodeView version 3.0.

More Information:

If the program you are debugging is not a Presentation Manager (PM)

application, you may be able to kill the CodeView session if it should

hang as a result of answering "n" to the debugging child process. You

must switch to the Task Manager and use it to close the hung CodeView

session. If you are working on a PM application, the only workaround

may be to reboot the computer.

Additional reference words: 2.30 3.00