INF: Font Mapper Weights Listed in the Windows SDK Reference

ID Number: Q71226

3.00 3.10



The font penalty weights listed in the table on page 2-38 of the

"Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit Reference--Volume 1" for

Windows version 3.0 are not the actual weights used by the font

mapper. This table documents the order of importance the font mapper

assigns to various font attributes.

More Information:

The actual font penalty weights used by the graphics device interface

(GDI) font mapper are not documented. They are subject to change as

the font technology used by Windows is updated.

The table shows the order of importance assigned to various font

attributes. However, the actual numbers assigned to attributes in the

table are not useful. For example, according to the table, the penalty

weight for CharSet is 4, Width is 2, Weight is 1, and Slant is 1. This

does not mean that the penalty attributed to a font with an incorrect

CharSet is equal to the penalty attributed to a font with incorrect

Width, Weight, and Slant (2+1+1=4). CharSet is actually assigned a

high penalty, whereas Width, Weight, and Slant are assigned low

penalties. A font with the proper CharSet and the wrong Width, Weight,

and Slant is selected before a font with the wrong CharSet and proper

Width, Weight, and Slant.

To obtain the most control over the font that GDI provides, an

application should use the EnumFonts function to enumerate the

available fonts. An application is free to create its own penalty

scheme to choose the most appropriate font. EnumFonts returns both a

LOGFONT and a TEXTMETRIC data structure for each physical font

enumerated. The application can obtain a handle to the selected font

by passing the appropriate LOGFONT structure to the CreateFontIndirect


After GDI chooses a font, the application can call the GetTextMetrics

function to retrieve information about the font. This provides a means

to verify that the returned font has the desired characteristics.

Under Windows version 3.1, the basic font selection scheme remains the

same. However, the introduction of TrueType font technology provides

additional control over font selection. Because TrueType fonts are

scalable, the height and width penalties for TrueType fonts are lower

than for other font types. EnumFontFamilies is a font enumeration

function introduces in Windows 3.1.

Additional reference words: 3.00 3.10 MICS3 R2.13