INF: Windows Regions Do Not Scale

ID Number: Q71229




The coordinates of Windows regions are in device units, not logical

units. Therefore, if the mapping mode is not MM_TEXT, region

coordinates do not scale as would be expected. This causes particular

problems in metafiles because metafiles often use MM_ISOTROPIC or

MM_ANISOTROPIC modes to make pictures appear the same on devices with

different resolutions.

To work around this problem, applications should avoid using regions

if the mapping mode is changed from MM_TEXT. Regions should also be

avoided in metafiles, unless the application knows the scaling factor

and can adjust region coordinates itself.

More Information:

If the applications that will read and write the metafile are

developed together, the writing application can include an MFCOMMENT

escape in the metafile to store the region components. This

information can be used by the reading application to scale the


However, this comment is not standard across all applications. This

method would not be expected to work if the metafile is imported into

a commercial application.