"?CANNOT DISPLAY" After Column 135 in CodeView Command Window

ID Number: Q68696

3.00 3.10 3.11 3.14 | 3.00 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.50



The code below demonstrates a limitation of the CodeView debugger.

When the command "?y" is executed in the Command window, the structure

"y" is displayed. However, CodeView displays the structure only to

column 135 and then prints "?CANNOT DISPLAY," ignoring the rest of the

elements in the structure. The output appears as follows:


|>?y |

|{this_field_01=0x0000, ... ,this_field_07=?CANNOT DISPLAY |

| ^ ^ |

| | | |

| Fields 2-6 displayed Column 135 |

| |


CodeView Command Window

More Information:

To view all elements of a structure, you should use the Quick Watch

function. In the example below, the contents of the whole structure

can be seen by typing "??y". A dialog box will appear on the screen

showing the contents of the structure. By scrolling down in the dialog

box, the contents of every element of the structure can be seen. The

structure contents are displayed as follows:

--------------- Quick Watch -----------------

| |

|-y |

| this_field_01=0 |

| this_field_02=0 |

| this_field_03=0 |

| this_field_04=0 |

| this_field_05=0 |

| this_field_06=0 |

| this_field_07=0 |

| this_field_08=0 |

| this_field_09=0 |

| this_field_10=0 |

| this_field_11=0 |

| this_field_12=0 |

| this_field_13=0 |

| this_field_14=0 |

| this_field_15=0 |


Quick Watch of Variable

Sample Code


/* Compile options needed: /Zi /Od


struct x {

int this_field_01;

int this_field_02;

int this_field_03;

int this_field_04;

int this_field_05;

int this_field_06;

int this_field_07;

int this_field_08;

int this_field_09;

int this_field_10;

int this_field_11;

int this_field_12;

int this_field_14;

int this_field_15;

int this_field_16;

int this_field_17;

int this_field_18;

int this_field_19;

int this_field_20;




struct x y;


Additional reference words: 3.00 3.10 3.50