INF: Various Ways to Access Submenus and Menu Items

ID Number: Q71454




In calls to Microsoft Windows functions that create, modify, and

destroy menus, an application can access an individual menu item by

either its position or its item ID. A pop-up menu must be accessed by

its position because it does not have a menu-item ID.

Specifically, when an application calls the EnableMenuItem function to

enable, disable, or dim (gray) an individual menu item, the

application can specify either the MF_BYPOSITION or the MF_BYCOMMAND

flag in the wEnable parameter. When the application calls

EnableMenuItem to access a pop-up menu, it must specify the


The information below provides examples of the following:

- Retrieving a menu handle for a submenu

- Accessing a submenu

- Accessing a menu item

More Information:

The following resource-file menu template provides the basis for the

source code examples in this article. The template describes a top-

level menu with two pop-up submenus. One of the submenus contains a

third, nested submenu.

GenericMenu MENU


POPUP "&Help"


MENUITEM "&About Generic...", IDM_ABOUT


POPUP "&Test"


POPUP "&Nested"







Retrieving the Handle to a Submenu


Code such as the following can be used to obtain handles to the menus:

HMENU hMainMenu, hHelpPopup, hTestPopup, hNestedPopup;

<other program lines>

hMainMenu = GetMenu(hWnd);

hHelpPopup = GetSubMenu(hMainMenu, 0);

hTestPopup = GetSubMenu(hMainMenu, 1);

hNestedPopup = GetSubMenu(hTestPopup, 0);

The second parameter of the GetSubMenu function, nPos, is the position

of the desired submenu. Positions are numbered starting at zero for

the first menu item.

Disabling a Submenu


The following call disables and dims the Nested pop-up menu:

EnableMenuItem(hTestPopup, 0, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_GRAYED);

The following call disables and dims the Test pop-up menu:

EnableMenuItem(hMainMenu, 1, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_GRAYED);

The second parameter of the EnableMenuItem function, wIDEnabledItem,

is the position of the submenu. As above, positions are numbered

starting at zero. Note that the call must specify the MF_BYPOSITION

flag because a pop-up menu does not have a menu-item ID.

Disabling a Menu Item


The 1 Beep menu item can be disabled and dimmed by using any one of

the following calls:

EnableMenuItem(hMainMenu, IDM_1BEEP, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_GRAYED);

EnableMenuItem(hTestPopup, IDM_1BEEP, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_GRAYED);

EnableMenuItem(hNestedPopup, IDM_1BEEP, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_GRAYED);

EnableMenuItem(hNestedPopup, 0, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_GRAYED);

A menu item can be specified by either by its menu-item ID value

(using the MF_BYCOMMAND flag) or by its position (using the

MF_BYPOSITION) flag. If the application specifies the menu-item ID

value, Windows must walk the menu structure and search for a menu item

with the correct ID. This implies the each menu-item ID value must be

unique for a given menu.

Other Windows Menu Functions


Although the EnableMenuItem function is used in the example above, the

same general approach is used for all Windows menu functions; access

pop-up menus by position, and access menu items by position or menu-

item ID.

For a list of all Windows menu functions, see page 1-56 of the

"Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit Reference--Volume 1." For

more information on working with menus in a Windows application, see

Chapter 7 of the "Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit Guide to

Programming" for version 3.0.

Additional reference words: 3.00 dimmed unavailable