INF: Dialog Boxes Are Not Designed to Support Menus

ID Number: Q71499




Windows version 3.0 does not support menus in dialog boxes that have

the DS_MODALFRAME style.

This restriction is in place to comply with the Common User Access

(CUA) standards developed by IBM. A copy of the CUA specification is

included with each copy of the Windows Software Development Kit (SDK)

version 3.00. Pages 145-146 of the "Systems Application Architecture,

Common User Access: Advanced Interface Design Guide" document include

a table that specifies that dialog boxes are not to use "action bars,"

or menus.

Dialog boxes in Windows do support menus as long as the DS_MODALFRAME

style is absent and the WS_SYSMENU style is present. This behavior

will be supported in future versions of Windows for applications that

require greater functionality than that provided by a strict

interpretation of CUA.