INF: GetNextDlgItem() Documentation Incorrect

ID Number: Q71501




In the "Windows Software Development Kit Reference Volume 1," the

documentation for the GetNextDlgGroupItem() function on page 4-192 and

for the GetNextDlgTabItem() function on page 4-193 is incorrect. In

both cases, the bPrevious parameter is described incorrectly in the

syntax section. The Comments section for both functions is correct.

The bPrevious parameter sets the search direction for

GetNextDlgTabItem() and GetNextDlgGroupItem(). Both functions can find

the next or the previous control. A nonzero value (TRUE) causes the

two functions to search backward while zero (FALSE) causes the

functions to search forward.

GetNextDlgGroupItem() searches for controls with the WS_GROUP style.

GetNextDlgTabItem() searches for controls with the WS_TABSTOP style.