"Internal Debugger Error: 0" When Watching Structure Members

ID Number: Q51834

2.20 2.30 | 2.20 2.30


buglist2.20 buglist2.30 fixlist3.00


When watching a member of a structure using the "w?" or "?" command

in CodeView versions 2.2 and 2.3, it is possible to get the message

"internal debugger error: 0." When this happens, the only way to view

the contents of the member is to use the "D" or "??" command.

Sample Code


typedef struct {

char *(*instruction)[];

} *structype;

structype mac;

void main (void)



More Information:

If you set a watch on an element of the structure variable in the

above program, such as "w? mac->instruction[0]" (without the quotation

marks), you'll get the message "internal debugger error: 0." Use the

dump command "D" or the special "??" structure viewing command to look

at the contents of the member.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in CodeView versions 2.2

and 2.3. This problem was corrected in CodeView version 3.0.

Additional reference words: 2.20 2.30 3.00