MASM 5.10 MIXED.DOC: Converting Mixed-Language Source Files

ID Number: Q30784

5.10 | 5.10



The following information is from the Microsoft Macro Assembler

Version 5.10 MIXED.DOC file.

More Information:

Converting Mixed-Language Source Files

This directory contains mixed-language example programs and macros.

The following source files are the sample programs from Chapter 6,

"Assembly-to-High-Level Interface," of the Mixed-Language Programming


BA.ASM Assembly module to be called from BASIC

CA.ASM Assembly module to be called from C

FA.ASM Assembly module to be called from FORTRAN

PA.ASM Assembly module to be called from Pascal

BAMAIN.BAS BASIC main program that calls assembly module

CAMAIN.C C main program that calls assembly module

FAMAIN.FOR FORTRAN main program that calls assembly module

PAMAIN.PAS Pascal main program that calls assembly module

In addition, the following files are provided:

POWER2.ASM Macro version of assembly module that can be called

from BASIC, C, FORTRAN, or Pascal.

MIXED.INC Mixed language macros.

MIXED.DOC This file.