INF: Sources of Information about the Windows Help Compiler

ID Number: Q85677




The Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) has much

information about the Windows Help Compiler and Windows Help

application. This article lists the various sources of information

about Windows Help available in the SDK.

More Information:

- The "Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit: Programmer's

Reference, Volume 2: Functions" manual documents the WinHelp

function on pages 985 through 988.

- The "Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit: Programming Tools"

manual, in Chapter 3, presents an overview of the process of

creating a help file. A list of error messages with a description

of each appears in Appendix B.

- The "Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit: Programmer's

Reference, Volume 4: Resources" manual, pages 257 through 302,

lists the RTF (rich-text format) tokens supported by the Windows

Help Compiler. Pages 302 through 330 list the syntax of each macro

supported by the Help Compiler and provides a description of each.

- The HELPHOOK sample demonstrates how an application can provide

context-sensitive help for a dialog box. HELPHOOK is one of the

advanced samples provided with the Windows SDK. By default, the

SDK installation program places advanced samples in the

C:\WINDEV\SAMPLES directory.

- The HELPEX sample demonstrates calling Windows Help from an

application and provides a general demonstration of its

capabilities. HELPEX is one of the advanced samples provided with

the Windows SDK.

- The MACROHLP sample demonstrates many of the macros available to

Windows Help authors. MACROHLP is one of the advanced samples

provided with the Windows SDK.

Additional reference words: 3.10 HC HCP.EXE HC31.EXE