MASM 5.10 MIXED.DOC: Compatiblity with Undocumented Macros

ID Number: Q30786

5.10 | 5.10



The following information is from the Microsoft Macro Assembler

Version 5.10 MIXED.DOC file.

More Information:

Converting Mixed-Language Source Files

The other macros in the MASM 5.00 version of MIXED.INC are provided

for compatibility with MASM 5.00, but are not documented. The rest of

this file discusses compatibility options for source code that uses

5.00 high-level-language macros. If you did not own MASM 5.00, you

should ignore the rest of this file. Do not use the other macros in


You can use the following macros if you have source code that uses

the macros provided with MASM 5.00.

Macro Purpose

setModel Sets memory model passed from a DOS command line. No

longer needed because the expression operator now enables

you to evaluate text macros passed from the command line


hProc Initializes a procedure. Replaced by new attributes of

the PROC directive when you specify a language argument to

the .MODEL directive.

hLocal Initializes local variables. Replaced by new functionality

of the LOCAL directive.

hRet Returns from a procedure. Replaced by new functionality

of the RET instruction.

hEndp Terminates a procedure. Replaced by new functionality of

the ENDP directive.

The 5.10 versions of these macros are different than the MASM 5.00

versions. The new macros use new MASM features to simulate the same

functionality more efficiently. Do not use the MIXED.INC provided with

MASM 5.00. It will not work under MASM 5.10.