INF: Changing Print Settings Mid-Job Supported by Windows 3.1

ID Number: Q85679




In Microsoft Windows versions 3.0 and earlier, the print settings are

determined at the beginning of a print job by contents of the DEVMODE

data structure passed to the CreateDC function. Once specified, these

print settings remain in effect for the duration of the print job.

With the release of Windows 3.1, the print settings can be changed on

a page-by-page basis through the ResetDC function.

More Information:

An application can pass a new DEVMODE structure (containing new print

settings) to the ResetDC function between pages to change the print

settings. For instance, this function makes it possible to change the

paper bin or paper orientation for each page in a print job. Note that

the ResetDC function cannot be used to change the driver name, device

name, or the output port.

Before calling ResetDC, the application must ensure that all objects

(other than stock objects) that were previously selected into the

printer device context are selected out.

Please see the "Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit:

Programmer's Reference, Volume 2: Functions" manual or the online help

for more information on the ResetDC function.

Additional reference words: 3.10 dmOrientation dmDefaultSource

dmPaperSize hDC WM_DEVMODECHANGE ExtDeviceMode