PRB: Corrupted Primary Display in CVW

ID Number: Q71758





When using CodeView for Windows (CVW) version 3.00 on a system

equipped with a VGA monitor, the primary display becomes corrupted.


Two of the possible causes for this corruption are:

1. Hardware incompatibility.

2. ANSI.SYS is loaded in the CONFIG.SYS file.


For more information on hardware compatibility problems, please

query on the following words:

prod(winsdk) and vga and cvw and incompatible

If ANSI.SYS is loaded in the CONFIG.SYS file, here are two

alternative methods to address the situation:

1. Modify CONFIG.SYS to remove ANSI.SYS.

2. Many VGA cards come with an ANSI.SYS replacement that is

tailored specifically to the hardware. Install this replacement

instead of the ANSI.SYS that comes with DOS.