MASM 5.10 OS2.DOC: OS/2 Call Summary - Overview

ID Number: Q30801

5.10 | 5.10



The following information is from the Microsoft Macro Assembler

Version 5.10 OS2.DOC file.

More Information:

OS/2 Call Summary

The OS/2 calls are listed below. The constant symbols associated

with each group of macros are shown before the listings. The listings

consist of the macro name followed by a one-line description. A second

line shows the arguments expected by the macro. The following symbols

are used to indicate the type of each argument:

W Word

D Doubleword

PB Pointer to byte

PW Pointer to word

PD Pointer to doubleword

PZ Pointer to ASCIIZ string

PS Pointer to structure

If the macro expects the address of a structure as one of its

arguments, the structure will be listed below the argument line. See

the include files for listings of structure fields. The include files

also contain definitions for constants often passed to specific


This document makes no attempt to explain the purpose or function

of the OS/2 systems calls. The calls are described in detail in

manuals published separately by Microsoft and in some third-party

books and magazine articles.