MASM 5.10 OS2.DOC: OS/2 Call Summary - Memory Management

ID Number: Q30807

5.10 | 5.10



The following information is from the Microsoft Macro Assembler

Version 5.10 OS2.DOC file>

More Information:

OS/2 Call Summary

Memory management constant - INCL_DOSMEMMGR

@DosAllocSeg - Allocates a segment of memory

Parameters - Size:W, Selector:PW, AllocFlags:W

@DosReallocSeg - Changes the size of an allocated segment

Parameters - Size:W, Selector:W

@DosFreeSeg - Deallocates a segment

Parameters - Selector:W

@DosGiveSeg - Gives another process access to a shared memory segment

Parameters - CallerSegHandle:W, ProcessID:W, RecipientSegHandle:PW

@DosGetSeg - Gets access to a shared memory segment

Parameters - Selector:W

@DosAllocHuge - Allocates memory potentially requiring multiple segments

Parameters - NumSeg:W, Size:W, Selector:PW, ShareInd:W, MaxNumSeg:W

@DosReallocHuge - Changes memory amount previously allocated by


Parameters - NumSet:W, Size:W, Selector:W

@DosGetHugeShift - Returns a shift count used to derive selectors to

huge memory allocated with DosAllocHuge

Parameters - ShiftCount:PW

@DosAllocShrSeg - Allocates a shared memory segment

Parameters - Size:W, Name:PZ, Selector:PW

@DosLockSeg - Locks a discardable segment in memory

Parameters - Selector:W

@DosUnlockSeg - Unlocks a discardable segment

Parameters - Selector:W

@DosGetShrSeg - Allows a process to access a previously allocated shared

memory segment and increments the segment reference count

Parameters - Name:PZ, Selector:PW

@DosMemAvail - Returns the size of the largest block of free memory

Parameters - MemAvailSize:PD

@DosCreateCSAlias - Creates an executable alias for a data type descriptor

passed as input

Parameters - DataSelector:W, CodeSelector:PW

@DosSubAlloc - Allocates memory from within a segment that was previously

allocated and initialized with DosSubSet

Parameters - SegSelector:W, BlockOffset:PW, Size:W

@DosSubFree - Frees memory previously allocated with DosSubAlloc

Parameters - SegSelector:W, BlockOffset:W, Size:W

@DosSubSet - Initializes a segment for suballocation, or changes the size

of a previous suballocation

Parameters - SegSelector:W, BlockOffset:W, Size:W