INF: Maximum Brush Size

ID Number: Q12071

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The maximum size of a brush is determined by the OEM driver. In

theory, any brush size can be created. However, the brushes are

realized by the OEM driver. The only requirement the driver must

satisfy is that it must be able to handle 8 x 8 brushes.

If the driver realizes variable sizes, passing any bitmap is

acceptable. The driver decides what to do with brushes larger than

8 x 8.

Currently, sample drivers use the top left 8 x 8 piece of the pattern;

however, if the OEM wants to use the whole pattern, that also is

proper. The limit of the current device drivers is 8 x 8 because of a

performance trade-off when targeting Windows for the 8088 versus the


The amount of pattern realized is a display driver-dependent issue.