MASM 5.10 OS2.DOC: OS/2 Call Summary - Keyboard Input

ID Number: Q30819

5.10 | 5.10



The following information is from the Microsoft Macro Assembler

Version 5.10 OS2.DOC file.

More Information:

OS/2 Call Summary

Keyboard input constant - INCL_KBD

@KbdRegister - Registers a keyboard subsystem within a screen group

Parameters - ModuleName:PZ, EntryPoint:PZ, FunctionMask:D

@KbdCharIn - Returns a character/scan code from the keyboard

Parameters - CharData:PS, IOWait:W, KbdHandle:W

Structure - KBDKEYINFO

@KbdPeek - Returns a character and scan code, if available, without

removing it from the keystroke buffer

Parameters - CharData:PS, KbdHandle:W

Structure - KBDKEYINFO

@KbdStringIn - Reads a character string from the keyboard

Parameters - CharBuffer:PB, Length:PS, IOWait:W, KbdHandle:W


@KbdFlushBuffer - Clears the keystroke buffer

Parameters - KbdHandle:W

@KbdSetStatus - Sets the characteristics of the keyboard

Parameters - Structure:PS, KbdHandle:W

Structure - KBDINFO

@KbdGetStatus - Gets status information about the keyboard

Parameters - Structure:PS, KbdHandle:W

Structure - KBDINFO

@KbdOpen - Creates a new logical keyboard

Parameters - KbdHandle:PW

@KbdClose - Ends a logical keyboard

Parameters - KbdHandle:W

@KbdSetCp - Sets the code page identifier for a logical keyboard

Parameters - Reserved:W, CodePageID:W, KbdHandle:W

@KbdGetCp - Retrieves the code page identifier for the logical keyboard

Parameters - Reserved:D, CodePageID:PW, KbdHandle:W

@KbdGetCp - Ends a logical keyboard

Parameters - KbdHandle:W

@KbdFreeFocus - Frees the logical-to-physical bond created by KbdGetFocus

Parameters - KbdHandle:W

@KbdGetFocus - Binds the logical keyboard to the physical keyboard

Parameters - IOWait:W, KbdHandle:W

@KbdSynch - Synchronizes access to the keyboard subsystem

Parameters - IOWait:W

@KbdXlate - Translates a scan code and its shift states into an ASCII code

Parameters - XlateRecord:PS, KbdHandle:W


@KbdSetCustXt - Installs a custom translate table for the logical keyboard

Parameters - CodePage:PW, KbdHandle:W