INF: Storage Types of Integer Constant Changed in C 6.0

ID Number: Q60751

6.00 6.00a 6.00ax 7.00 | 6.00 6.00a



To maintain ANSI compliance, Microsoft C versions 6.0 and later store

numeric constants in a slightly different manner than C version 5.1.

The following table summarizes the way constants are now represented

by the Microsoft C version 6.0 Compiler:

Storage Type Is the Smallest of the Following List That

Can Represent the Constant's Value


decimal constant int

w/o suffix long

(ex. 123 ) unsigned long*


hex or octal constant int

w/o suffix unsigned

(ex. 0x122 ) long

unsigned long


all constants ** unsigned

u or U suffix unsigned long

(ex. 133u )


all constants ** long

l or L suffix unsigned long

(ex. 332l )


all constants **

u or U and l or L suffix unsigned long

(ex. 0x111ul )


* Unsigned long was not supported for Standard Decimal Constant

Representation in Microsoft C version 5.1 or QuickC 2.0.

** The maximum value for any decimal constant in Microsoft C

5.1/QuickC 2.0 was 2,147,483,647 regardless of type.

More Information:

All constants in C are stored as positive values. A constant preceded

by a unary minus is considered an expression rather than a negative

constant. If the type of the constant as defined above is unsigned,

then the result of the unary minus expression is also considered


The exact rules for integer constant storage as taken from the ANSI

draft dated Dec. 7, 1988, Section, are as follows:

The type of an integer constant is the first of the corresponding

list in which its value is represented. Unsuffixed decimal: int,

long int, unsigned long int; unsuffixed octal or hexadecimal: int,

unsigned int, long int, unsigned long int; suffixed by the letter u

or U: unsigned int, unsigned long int; suffixed by the letter l or

L: long int, unsigned long int; suffixed by both the letters u or U

and l or L: unsigned long int.

Additional reference words: 5.10 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax C++ 7.0