Mod Operator Handled Incorrectly with Speed Optimization (/Ot)

ID Number: Q60868

5.10 | 5.10


buglist5.10 fixlist6.00


When using the mod operator with unsigned integers, it is possible for

the compiler to generate the incorrect code when it is optimizing for


More Information:

Specifically, if an unsigned variable is multiplied by a power of 2

other than 1 or 2, then the mod operator is used with a value of 256,

and the incorrect number will be calculated. The following is an

example that generates the incorrect number:

unsigned x = 200 ;

unsigned result ;

result = (x * 4) % 256 ;

printf ("result = %u\n", result) ;

This program should have 32 as the result of the operation. When

compiling with /Ot (or compiling with default optimization), the

result is 800. With no optimization (/Od), the result is correct (32).

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem with C Version 5.10. This

problem was corrected in C Version 6.00.