C 6.00 README: Notes on "C Reference"

ID Number: Q61239

6.00 | 6.00




The following information is taken from the C Version 6.00 README.DOC


Notes on "C Reference"


Page Note

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5 CL (Compiler) /Bx Options


The complete syntax of the /B1, /B2, and /B3 options is as


/B1 [drive:path]C1L

/B2 [drive:path]C2L

/B3 [drive:path]C3L

See online help for further information.

7 CL (Compiler) /ML Option


The third sentence should read: "The /ML option is

functionally equivalent to /ALw /FPa /G2 /D_MT; however,

you must specify /ML rather than the expanded equivalent."

8 CL (Compiler) /MT Option


The second sentence should read: "The /MT option is

functionally equivalent to /ALw /FPi /G2 /D_MT; however,

you must specify /MT rather than the expanded equivalent."

34 NAME Statement


The syntax for the NAME statement in a LINK module-

definition file is as follows:

NAME [appname] [apptype] [NEWFILES]

The optional attribute NEWFILES specifies that the

application supports long filenames and extended file

attributes under OS/2 1.2.

The linker also supports LONGNAMES as a synonym for

NEWFILES, although LONGNAMES is now considered obsolete.

347 The _strtold Function


The _strtold function is not an ANSI function.