INF: C 6.0 README: Patching MOUCALLS.DLL (OS/2 1.1 Only)

ID Number: Q61242

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The following information is taken from the C version 6.0 README.DOC


Patching MOUCALLS.DLL (OS/2 1.1 Only)


The dynamic-link library, MOUCALLS.DLL, handles OS/2 API functions

that process mouse messages. Some versions of MOUCALLS.DLL shipped

with OS/2 1.1 cause a general protection fault when running such

applications as the Programmer's WorkBench (PWB). This section

describes how to patch MOUCALLS.DLL to correct the error.

Identifying the Problem


When a general protection fault occurs under OS/2, the system displays

the location of the fault. If the fault occurs with CS equal to 20F,

follow the procedure outlined in the next section to patch




Because OS/2 1.1 with the Presentation Manager uses MOUCALLS.DLL, you

cannot directly alter the file. Instead you must modify a copy of the

file as shown:

1. Create a directory on your boot disk called C:\NEWMOU.

2. Copy your C:\CONFIG.SYS file to C:\CONFIG.MOU.

3. Edit your C:\CONFIG.SYS file. There is a line in it that begins

with LIBPATH. Add the directory C:\NEWMOU as the first directory

in the line. So, if the LIBPATH line originally looks like


change it to


4. Locate the file MOUCALLS.DLL on your hard drive. It is probably in

the OS2 directory of your boot drive. If not, it is certainly in

one of the directories listed in the LIBPATH line you just edited.

Copy MOUCALLS.DLL to the C:\NEWMOU directory.

5. Reboot your computer.

6. After the system has come back up, change directories to the

C:\OS2 directory, or wherever the original MOUCALLS.DLL resides.

7. Run the following command:


The PATCH program prompts you for the offset location to be patched.

Type the following offset:


Then change the hexadecimal value of the byte at that location from

1A to 1C.

Note that there should be a program called PATCH.EXE on your path.

It will make the appropriate change to the MOUCALLS.DLL file.

8. Copy C:\CONFIG.MOU back over C:\CONFIG.SYS and delete


9. Reboot your computer.

10. After the system has come back up, delete the files in C:\NEWMOU

and remove the directory.

Additional reference words: 1.10 6.00