Using CodeView /2 with Hercules Graphics Cards and Libraries

ID Number: Q46949

2.20 2.30 2.35 3.00 3.10 3.11 3.14



Using CodeView in the dual-monitor mode with a Hercules graphics card

as the primary (application) monitor requires the Hercules card to be

configured in the half mode. Using the Hercules graphics library, the

monitor must be configured using the config(0) function call. This

function call is a part of the Hercules graphics library and does not

use Microsoft graphics library or the MSHERC.COM program. Therefore,

this information applies only if you are using the Hercules graphics

libraries. This is NOT the same as using the /h switch with CodeView.

More Information:

The first page of the Hercules graphics display card is mapped to

memory location B0000 (same as MDA), and the second page is mapped to

B8000. The CGA/EGA/VGA also use B8000 as the beginning of their video

memory. CodeView uses these two different address to run in the

dual-monitor mode, sending the application output to the primary

address, usually located at B8000, and the CodeView information to the

secondary monitor, usually located at B0000.

This works well until a Hercules graphics card is used as the primary

monitor (in graphics mode) and the CGA/EGA/VGA card is used as the

secondary monitor. The Hercules graphics card uses both pages (one at

B0000 and the other at B8000) in the full mode. Therefore, use

config(0) and only the first page (B0000) will be used and CodeView

will function properly in dual-monitor mode.