CV Won't Open File with Extended ASCII Chars on First Line

ID Number: Q59963

3.00 3.10 3.11 3.14 | 3.00 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.50



CodeView does not display a source file if the first line contains any

extended ASCII characters. CodeView expects source files to be plain

text files. When it loads a file, CodeView checks the first line and

refuses to load the file if the first line contains nontext characters

(that is, all ASCII codes over 126 and all codes under 32 except tab,

formfeed, carriage return, and new line). If you want to use extended

characters in your source file, start the file with a blank line.

If you try to debug a program that is built from a source file with

extended characters on the first line, CodeView will be unable to

display that program in source mode; however, you can still debug at

an assembly level.