MASM 5.10 EXT.DOC: Replace - Edits Character in File

ID Number: Q31516

5.10 | 5.10



The following information is from the MASM Version 5.10 EXT.DOC


Please note that numbering for both COL and LINE variables begins

with 0.

More Information:

/* Replace - edits a character in a file


* The Replace function inserts character c at position (x, y)

* in the file pFile. If fInsert equals TRUE (-1) the function

* moves remaining characters on the line over by one space. If

* fInsert equals FALSE (0) function replaces the character at

* specified position. The function takes no action if fInsert

* equals FALSE, and c is identical to the character at specified

* position.


* c Character to place into the file

* x, y Column and row (respectively) of position of insertion

* pFile Handle to file being modified

* fInsert If TRUE (-1), inserts before character at specified

* position; otherwise, overwrites character at specified

* position


* returns TRUE if line is successfully edited, FALSE if line is too

* long


flagType pascal Replace (c, x, y, pFile, fInsert)

char c;

COL x;


PFILE pFile;

flagType fInsert;