MASM 5.10 EXT.DOC: Movecur: Moves Cursor to Specified Location

ID Number: Q31517

5.10 | 5.10



The following information is from the MASM Version 5.10 EXT.DOC


Please note that numbering for both COL and LINE variables begins

with 0.

More Information:

/* MoveCur - moves the cursor to a specified location in the current

* file. The MoveCur function moves the cursor to specified position

* within the current file. If the cursor is within the same window,

* then no window movement occurs. Otherwise, the cursor is placed at

* a common position specified by the numeric switch "hike."


* x Column where cursor is to appear in file

* y Line (row) where cursor is to appear in file


void pascal MoveCur (x, y)

COL x;