MASM 5.10 EXT.DOC: DelBox - Deletes a "Box" from a File

ID Number: Q31519

5.10 | 5.10



The following information is from the MASM Version 5.10 EXT.DOC


Please note that numbering for both COL and LINE variables begins

with 0.

More Information:

/* DelBox - deletes a rectangular area (box) from a file


* The DelBox function deletes all spaces in the box delimited

* by the positions (xLeft, yTop) and (xRight, yBottom). The

* box includes both corners specified in the function call.


* pFile Handle to file to be modified

* xLeft, yTop Column and line of start of box

* xRight, yBottom Column and line of end of box


void pascal DelBox (pFile, xLeft, yTop, xRight, yBottom)

PFILE pFile;

COL xLeft, xRight;

LINE yTop, yBottom;