PRB: Documentation Error on the Use of NEWFRAME and NEXTBAND

ID Number: Q27728

2.00 2.03 2.10 3.00




The NEXTBAND section on page 25 of the "Microsoft Windows 2.00

Software Development Kit Update" incorrectly states that

Escape(...NEWFRAME...) should be called after the last NEXTBAND on

a page. When this command sequence is followed, extra blank pages

are generated.


NEWFRAME and NEXTBAND are exclusive; an application must call one

or the other, however, both should never be called. When using

NEWFRAME, the call must be placed at the bottom of every page to

output the page and start a new page.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a documentation error on Page

25 of the "Microsoft Windows 2.00 Software Development Kit Update".

We will post new information here when this error has been


More Information:

Please note that ENDDOC and ABORTDOC are also exclusive. ABORTDOC is

used when it is necessary to abort the document (for example, the

application has detected an error or the Print command is cancelled).

Some output may have already been sent to the device at the time of

the ABORTDOC, however, any additional output will be discarded. ENDDOC

is used to close and send a completed document.